by LK_Poland » Mon Jan 02, 2023 7:09 am
DigitalPinsPWM licensed under
GPLv3 is both free and open-source Arduino library providing unified interface for using PWM on all digital pins of Arduino UNO (pins from 0 to 13). PWM on pins not supporting it in hardware is software emulated.
- Install TimerOne library if not present.
- Copy DigitalPinsPWM folder to Arduino\libraries directory.
From Arduino IDE open: File->Examples->DigitalPinsPWM->fade.
Project source code repository is hosted on
[i]DigitalPinsPWM[/i] licensed under [url=]GPLv3[/url] is both free and open-source Arduino library providing unified interface for using PWM on all digital pins of Arduino UNO (pins from 0 to 13). PWM on pins not supporting it in hardware is software emulated.
[*]Install TimerOne library if not present.
[*]Copy DigitalPinsPWM folder to Arduino\libraries directory.
From Arduino IDE open: File->Examples->DigitalPinsPWM->fade.
Project source code repository is hosted on [url=]gitlab[/url].